Travel Guide

Travel Guide for First Time TravellersOur Travel Guide, ‘First Time Travellers’ is a the next best thing to classes on how to travel, which by the way, do not exist yet. Maybe they should!


Every time we catch a plane or go to the airport to pick someone up, we see people of all ages, but particularly the younger travellers, making the same mistakes over and over. These mistakes can be comical, but there are several which make you think, “I hope they make it home safely!”


Being able to travel and explore new parts of the world can be eye-opening and educational to individuals and families alike. They can get to experience new places, taste different foods and get a different perspective on life, culture and the world as a whole. Alternatively they can ‘do it their way‘, not listen to advice, and have a potential nightmare.


Travelling for the first time without the safety net of parents can be a nerve racking experience. They won’t ever tell you, but on that first trip, they will all have butterflies in their stomachs.



Our travel guide, ‘First Time Travellers’

Our travel guide, ‘First Time Travellers’ includes hundreds of useful tips and recommendations. Plus there are a number of humorous stories about getting it wrong. Before you ask, yes they did all happen in real life!


We have decided to put out the entire travel guide as a series of blog posts, which will be available over the coming weeks and months. That is 69 chapters over the next 16 months.


If you require all of the information and advice sooner, we will also be releasing the travel guide as a book for purchase.


This is an ideal gift for you to give to family members and friends you care about. Even more so, if they are about to head off on their first trip.



Try it before you buy it

Read a few of our blog posts as we release them, Then you will know if the book is right for you and your loved ones.

Click here to read our travel guide, First Time Travellers.



First time travellers guide



Reasons to learn a new language with Gil the Travelling Gecko

Travel guides for kids

We also have series of travel guides for kids available which are aimed at young children of 7+. These guides feature Gil The Travelling Gecko and his adventures to various locations and countries.

Gil learns some of the language, tries new foods and meets up with friends. Through the use of ‘false cognates’ or ‘false friends’ Gil finds himself in humourous situations due to misunderstanding what is being said.

Kids remember things which make them laugh, and this is the key to the Gil stories.

Each story has a list of questions at the end to make sure the kids were paying attention. There are also a list of common phrases for them to use and some puzzles.

There is also a list of phrases for the adults in the family.

Find out more at