Co-writing A Book With Gil

Co-writing a book could be a great option to widen your horizons, and to meet a new audience. The unfortunate truth is that many independent authors rarely cover their costs through book sales. With only a handful of books sold, many become discouraged and end their dream career after just on title.


Unus Mens hopes to make a difference. Our books cover a number of travel and educational themes. Whilst our primary feature revolve around the adventures of one central character, Gil the Travelling Gecko. We also intend to create some educational books in the future.


By creating a collection of short stories we aim to build a fan-base of regular subscribers who will purchase regularly.




Co-writing A Book



Why Authors Should Consider Co-Writing A Book With Gil



Imagine writing an educational children’s book with almost guaranteed sales within weeks?


Becoming an author with Unus Mens could potentially, finance your longer term writing career. It could even provide the media coverage to make you a household name. In conjunction with Gil of course.


Should you co-write a book with us, you get to write your own story using Gil as the main character, set in the location of your choice. We ask that our predetermined guidelines are adhered to, but other than that it will be your book, written by you.


Each year we will select stories which will get published and distributed to our audience. Our long term growth depends on producing quality books on a regular basis. The additional self-marketing that each of these writers will provide across their own networks will assist in promoting the Gil stories around the world.


Unus Mens and the Gil’s World collection is a pathway to improve lives, not to engage children in unnecessary advertising.




Co-writing A Book




You can get to know Gil by visiting his website.





Co-writing A Book





Ideally you will be at least bi-lingual to some degree, and have first-hand experience of the destinations involved. You will have a clear understanding of how to take a range of false cognates and create a story which is funny, educational and lighthearted. All finished stories should be aimed specifically at a target audience of 7-11 year olds boys and girls.

If you wish to take a look at our story guidelines, click here and register your interest. Once you have registered you will be able to download our Guidelines pdf.